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Secrets to a Successful School Year!

October 5, 2019

The beginning of the school year can be exciting and stressful all at the same time.  But we know how we start anything affects the overall outcome.  So let’s commit to helping our kids have their best school year yet!  Whether they are a teen starting high school or a little one beginning preschool, they all need our intentional direction and guidance.  Let’s dive in and see what we can do to maximize their success!

Back to School Tips to an A+ School Year

  1. Connect with their teacher…When meeting with your child’s new teacher, let them know what your main desire or focus is for your child this year.  Help them to understand your child’s individual personality and what helps them thrive.
  2. Pack kid-friendly lunches…If you pack lunch or snacks, make them healthy, but fun and leave a little note of encouragement.  Even if they can’t read, it will encourage them to seek help to read your message.  The more nutritious their snack, the easier it is for them to focus in class and strengthen their immune system.   
  3. Reinforce their consistent routine after school…Kids thrive on consistency and find safety in routines.  Our After School program is known for consistent homework help and structured fun that kids can expect everyday.   Be sure your child is in a positive, safe environment where than can complete their homework and have fun being active.  
  4. Encourage education outside of school…Be sure to continue your kid’s applied learning at home by focusing on what their learning in a fun way or encouraging their skill-building in a sport.
  5. Get involved in your child’s school…Take a look at the school’s calendar and see where you can play a part, be a volunteer or just support a particular program.  Our kids love our smiles and support!
  6. Create a positive affirmation declaring your child’s amazing school year!  Speak in present tense and even write a brief one for your child to say each morning or during their night routine.  Make sure you have them speak clearly with confidence!
  7. Keep a consistent night time routine.  Sleep is so important for any young person.  Try to maintain a regular bedtime with the same routine on a nightly basis.  Depending on their age, it could involve a bath, reading a book, conversations about their day or even their positive affirmation.  Help them end their day on a positive note to ensure a full sleep with sweet dreams.

Don’t let the school year zoom past without grabbing it by the reigns and directing your child’s success!  Speak forth a positive outcome, excellent grades and the best behavior!  Our kids’ future begins with our words.


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Kia is a wife and mom of 3, residing in the Lake Mary, Florida area. For over 20 years, she has dedicated her life to children and families working in the juvenile justice system, family counseling, after school, summer camps, and even travels the country motivating youth workers and parents to help youth succeed. Read More

Kia Loggins

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